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HomeVarroa Management
Varroa Control

Effective control of varroa mites is the single most important management responsibility of the beekeeper.  Varroa mites cause many direct and indirect problems with honeybees, so keeping populations in check will improve hive health and survivability.

A variety of management techniques should be employed for maximum effectiveness, including regular monitoring, integrated pest management, and chemical treatments.  The following resources are intended to help beekeepers to develop a mite management plan suitable for their hives' specific needs.

Integrated Varroa Management

The following brochure was prepared by the Maine Department of Agriculture and Resources.  It describes principles and techniques for an integrated pest management strategy that minimizes (but doesn't eliminate) chemical use.

IPM for Varroa Mites

Varroa Treatment Chart

The following chart was prepared by Eversweet Apiaries.  It describes EPA-approved commercial products for varroa mite treatments in honeybee hives.  For each product, the chart lists dosage, proper placement of medication, treatment duration, usage with honey supers, how it kills mites, recommended application time, and a summary of pros/cons.

Varroa Treatment Chart

Varroa Management Guide

The following guide was developed by Honey Bee Health Coalition, a non-profit that brings together beekeepers, growers, researchers, government agencies, agribusinesses, conservation groups, manufacturers, and consumer brands to improve the health of honey bees.  The guide explains practical, effective methods that beekeepers can use to measure varroa infestations in their hives and select appropriate control methods

Varroa Management Guide

Varroa Management Decision Tool

The following tool was also developed by Honey Bee Health Coalition.  It walks you through the decisions you need to make to determine how best to control varroa mites.

Varroa Decision Tool