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HomeMentoring Program
Mentoring Program

The SABA mentoring program is designed to match beginning beekeepers with more seasoned beekeepers.  Beekeeping can be challenging for both new and experienced beekeepers.  The purpose of the mentoring program is to develop the confidence of the mentee by working with a beekeeper in their area who has more practical, hands-on experience.

To establish a set of common expectations, we have a few guidelines for the program:

  1. Mentors and mentees must be active members in order to participate.
  2. Members seeking a mentor should first complete a beginner beekeeping class.
  3. Meeting times and frequencies will be established by mutual agreement of the mentor/mentee.
  4. Mentees should be punctual and prepared for a visit with a mentor.
  5. The mentor assumes no liability for the performance of the mentee's hives.
  6. For youth mentees (age 18 or under), a parent or adult guardian should be present when the mentor meets with the mentee.

Feel free to contact Vin Mattson, our Mentor Liaison, if you have any questions about the program.  You can reach him by sending an email to

How Can I Become a Mentee?

A mentee is typically a new or prospective beekeeper.  As a mentee, you benefit from a mentor's experience and practical knowledge as they demonstrate their skills and share their ideas.  This exchange enables mentees to develop their own style and knowledge.

Different mentees may be looking for different levels of support from their mentors.  If you are just starting out in the craft of beekeeping, sometimes simply having a mentor to call from time to time may be all that is needed to build your confidence and expertise.  It is beneficial to consider up front how much support you are seeking.

Are you interested in being a mentee?  Please click on the button to answer a few questions about your level of experience and the type of support you are seeking.
(note: you must be logged in before completing the form)

  Mentee Form

How Can I Become a Mentor?

Mentors are SABA members who volunteer to assist new beekeepers.  Mentors offer direction and serve as a role model for beginning beekeepers, helping them avoid some of the early pitfalls and errors.  A mentor can be crucial for developing a new beekeeper's skills and growing our community.

Are you interested in becoming a mentor?  Please click on the button to answer a few questions about the type of support you would be willing to provide.
(note: you must be logged in before completing the form)

  Mentor Form